Top 6 Trends And Innovations Seen In Mobile App Development

Top 6 Trends And Innovations Seen In Mobile App Development

New rules for mobile app development have been dictated by the modern business of today. Right from simplicity of design to the use of augmented reality, machine learning to the use of data science has helped to develop mobile products that are smarter and have the understanding to know the customers better. Every app project can only be successful when you have right people for the job. This is where partner like Nashville App Development Company comes into picture.

When it comes to mobile app development, there are few trends and innovation minding the market. They are:

  • Simplicity in design

Like the words of Steve Jobs, design is not always about the look and feel of the app rather it is also how it works at the first place. We all know these words are to stay here for a long time. Your users will appreciate your design if it is easy to use and navigate, even in the presence of complex logic.

  • Compliance with GDPR standards

In this world of tech trends there is a new word going around General Data Protection Regulation. This is a kind of regulation which is established with the aim to protect all the information of the users at the legal level. In the EU member states this has been implemented without the need of any additional legislation. This means that any software solution which stores and processes client data should be developed and designed based on security and privacy terms so that it remains compliant with the norms. Some of the app features are business based and so depend on project to project base.

  • Evolution

All the software solutions should be focused on evolution management. With time, business goal of the owner change and the needs of the users too. So it is important to come up with solution which is high in quality and relevant to the business.

  • Machine learning and Applied Data Science

Different business niches have already witnessed the penetration of data science. Such kind of steps helps to make predictions regarding the demand in the market and sales by targeting the right audience.

  • Integration of augmented reality

This is another kind of innovation which has been brought to mobile app users. The developers can make use of ARCore for Android and ARKit for iOS to build apps which are based on augmented reality. Today more businesses are taking a step towards augmented reality with the aim to boost business revenue.

  • Cross-platform coverage

It has always been about android and iOS when it comes to mobile app development. With the introduction of cross-platform app development frameworks things have changed. Platforms like React Native and Angular Native offers high level of code sharing and native performance. The best part is that it can be done by spending less amount of money. By opting for cross-platform solution, the time to market can be greatly reduced.


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