Best Practices To Improve The User Experience Of Your Mobile App

Best Practices To Improve The User Experience Of Your Mobile App

The success of your mobile app depends on a number of factors, still it has been seen that mainly it depends on the overall user experience. It is a fact that the apps which have succeeded in the market have relatively better quality UX compared to the ones that have failed. It is not possible to build a successful app without having an idea about behavioural patterns and psychological base of the users. Your journey for an effective UX starts by collecting the user data and developing user persona. By choosing affordable app development services in San Diego you can manage to build the app the way your users want.

With users turning more specific about what they want from the app, app developers need to follow certain guidelines which can help them build the app with best UX. They are:

Error-Free Functionality

Many of the app developers are not keen on spending more time on the app to sharpen its functionality and thus end up with something that is not perfect. As per the statistics of Experience Dynamics, 90% of app users stopped using a poorly performing app while 86% of the app users uninstalled or deleted the app because of its under-performance. If your app is not capable to work properly then thinking about the UX elements is of no use.

The main aim to download an app is to assist the user to complete the task which can help them reach the goal. When the important features in the app is prioritized during the development phase then the user will be able to complete the tasks seamlessly. When you come up with a roadmap for app development, you will be able to prioritize the features based on “must-have” ones and the ones which are “nice-to-have”. You should include the mobile-only features when developing the app as it will attract the users towards it and increase downloads rather than taking them away towards the websites. For mobile app owners and developers, they don’t have many chances to take as only 79% of the app users would put in effort to try back the app once or twice after it has failed.

Efficient Onboarding

The success and failure of the mobile app can be determined by its onboarding process. If the user experiences glitches during the first few screens of the app then chances are more that the user will not go behind and leave it. The foremost step for attracting and retaining users on the app is completely depended on the onboarding experience you offer. With the onboarding experience you are showing you’re your how he or she can achieve their goal easily and efficiently with the app – it is all about showcasing the app value.

During the onboarding phase, you can integrate different strategies to bring back the users and it can be anything like a tutorial to explain the user how the app works. This kind of onboarding works well on the app when you have hidden functionalities or complex workflow which the user may not know straightaway. Right kind of onboarding improves user retention all the while lowering cart abandonment rates. To bring users onboard faster you should decrease the registration and sign-up fields.

Reduced Search Effort

Drive conversion rates and satisfy your users helping them find what they need quickly. You can integrate a number of search strategies into your app like keyword search and barcode scanning. You will be able to significantly increase conversion rates by offering filters and search option to guide users towards what they are looking for. The main idea behind using it is to help the users find what they are looking for and so whenever a search is made the filter should not come up with 0 results.


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